What’s behind the totalitarianism on the left?

Anyone who is paying attention should know exactly what I’m talking about, but here are three recent examples.

It seems like this is the consequence of several different trains of thought that have been festering on the left.

  • There is no truth, and therefore no point in debate. Everything comes down to an exercise of power.
  • Words are violence.
  • Oppressive attitudes (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.) are so deeply ingrained in the system that the only remedy is to tear it all down.
  • There is no right to free speech. People who are seen as upholding the current system must be silenced.

Anything else?

Now there’s no Democrat I could vote for

Tulsi Gabbard has decided to leave the Democratic Party, which reminds me of a saying I saw in an Amish country store, “We get too soon old, and too late smart.” IOW, it’s about time.

Pigweed asked how long it would be before she becomes a Nazi on CNN. We’ll see. It didn’t take long before she became a Russian agent on Twitter.