Rod Dreher has an amazing article called “We are normalizing Trump. Again.” I’d link to it but it’s on Substack.
I don’t like Trump. If you’re going to complain about Trump, I will probably agree with a lot of what you say. Not all, but a lot.
The disconnect is that you may think Trump is uniquely evil, and I think Biden and the Democrats have him beat by a country mile. Biden is a traitor and the Democrats are insane.
For me, we’re facing a choice between a shit sandwich and a bullet to the head. I don’t want the shit sandwich, but it’s better than the alternative.
Among the points Dreher makes about “normal” …
Remember the trans dude fondling his own breasts at the White House?
Remember the Biden official who got off on stealing women’s luggage?
Have you noticed the behavior of his pride and joy, Hunter?
Have you noticed that recruitment for the Armed Services has fallen off a cliff because of the cross-dressing, trans-affirming BS from this White House?
Have you seen the empty retail shelves, and the prices of ordinary goods?
Are you ready for the Biden black outs, when we get the downsteam effects of his fantasy energy policy?
Have you seen the U.S. border?
Have you noticed that Biden doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing?
Are you concerned with the rise of Nazi, anti-semitic beliefs in academia and the public?
Trump is not my cup of tea, but Biden is a cup of cyanide.