People sometimes speak of the 50 United States as “laboratories of democracy.” The idea is that different states can do things their own way, and the other states can watch and see what works the best.
I like the concept, but I haven’t seen a lot of evidence that actually happens. States do different things, but I’m not sure they learn from one another. (People rarely learn from somebody else’s example, unfortunately.)
Something similar is going on right now with coronavirus response. Different countries are responding differently, sometimes because of a strategic decision, sometimes because of circumstances beyond their control.
Belarus is apparently doing nothing.
Sweden has taken a different course, sheltering those at high risk, but allowing most of life to continue normally.
Some U.S. states are starting to open back up. (Here’s a list.) The cretins in the media are caricaturing this in all kinds of horrible ways, but especially when the state has a Republican governor. And, of course, the Swedes don’t get the same treatment, because they’re “democratic socialists” or … something. (It doesn’t matter. Idiotic American reporters can’t be expected to know the details. They just know, deep down, that Europeans are more enlightened than we are, while Republican governors are evil monsters.)
What continues to get lost in all these discussions is the goal of the shut down.
It was not to stop total infections, or even total deaths.
The intent was to “flatten the curve.” The area under the curve — that is, the number of people infected, hospitalized, and killed — might be the same in either case. The point was to keep us from overwhelming the health care system. Which was a perfectly reasonable goal.
Somehow we’ve lost sight of that.
The people who have especially lost site of that are the little Napoleons who are issuing idiotic orders. It does almost nothing to flatten the curve if you prevent people from buying spinach seeds, or if you send cops to round up people who are jogging on the beach, or playing at a park, or sitting in their cars in a church parking lot. These idiots prove the old rule that power corrupts.
This paranoid and over-bearing response treats the virus like some sort of zombie apocalypse germ, where one more infection might be the tipping point to total annihilation.
It seems that the public perception has changed from “slow the burn” to “I want to stay safe in my bunker until the Evil Thing is over and I can come out again.”
It’s not like that. At all. What we’re trying to do is slow things down. That’s it.
The response is getting a little too close to madness, in my opinion. We can’t all stay locked in our houses until it’s safe, because it’s never going to be safe. At best it’s going to be many months before we have a vaccine, and we may never have one.
But … that’s a tangent. My real point is that different countries (and states), taking their own approach to this mess, will give us the data we need to move forward.
How much worse will Sweden be than Norway? How about Belarus vs. Poland? Or Colorado vs. Kansas.
Wouldn’t it be nice if people were paying attention to that, rather than whether the president really said to inject bleach?