A shortcut to understanding Jordan Peterson’s view of God

This just occurred to me recently. I might have to add it to my book.

A challenge with understanding Dr. Peterson’s view of God is that he uses words and language in his own way. He says he’ll stake his life on the idea that God exists, but the God he believes in is not what you think of as God.

One simple way to bridge this gap is to reflect on the idea of God as the voice of conscience. I don’t mean that God reveals himself through the conscience. I don’t mean that conscience is somehow a reflection of the will of God.

What I mean is that God is conscience. That nagging thing in your head that reproves you and demands your obedience is God. All our concepts of God are built on top of that. They’re all extrapolations from that basic psychological reality.

From that perspective, God is not an entity who calls to Moses. God is the voice in Moses’ head.

Dr. Peterson has a bias to try to explain everything in psychological terms. God included.

Consequently, God is not an external being. He’s a psychological phenomenon.

Please note that this is a shortcut. It doesn’t do justice to the depth and breadth of Dr. Peterson’s thoughts on the matter. But if you think about it for a while, it will get your brain in the right groove to understand JBP’s point of view. If you come to his book (or lectures) thinking of God in traditional terms, you’re not going to get it.

For more, see Wrestling with Jordan Peterson’s God: A Systematic Guide to Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Religious Thoughts

“Wrestling with Jordan Peterson’s God” — the condensed version

Over the years I’ve listened to a lot of Dr. Jordan Peterson’s talks on (or related to) religion, and I’ve witnessed his very public, very slow and agonizing conversion. After reading his new book, “We Who Wrestle With God,” I’ve written a response, which attempts to organize and systematize his argument into something like a logical format.

Here’s the short version.

Man is an evolved creature. Our ancestors did not have a language in the sense we would understand it. As they evolved cognitively, some instinctual functions became conscious, but those instincts continue to have an impact on our perceptions and behavior.

Man is a biological creature with limited cognitive ability faced with an infinite array of possibilities. Our bodies and our minds evolved to filter the cacophony of experience into patterns that are useful to our goals. This goal-orientedness lies beneath all our perception of the world.

We enacted things – often in ritual, often imaginatively – before we understood them. We slowly developed semantic representations for the patterns of our lives.

We developed these semantic representations of how to get along in the world through stories that were refined and condensed over time into myths, legends, symbols, and images. We understand the world through the lens of these stories.

Many of the stories represent how to respond to the threat of the various monsters we encountered along the way – whether those threats were from animals or from our fellow man. These stories helped us prevent the Hell life could easily descend into.

Stories exist within a moral hierarchy. Whatever is placed at the top of that hierarchy is “god” – by definition. It is the concept or system of values around which all goals, all perception, all moral reasoning is organized.

We can understand this god by looking at the values that over time have been useful in helping human societies to flourish. These values are expressed in all human culture, but most particularly in the fundamental texts and stories of culture.

The story that unites all these values is a story of sacrifice, which is best illuminated in the Gospels.

Wrestling with Jordan Peterson’s God: A Systematic Guide to Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Religious Thoughts

“The Northman” and how the Catholic Church can reclaim “enchantment” for a generation with no sense of meaning

Is it my imagination, or is there renewed interest in myth, ancient belief systems, and what some might call an “enchanted” worldview? Why do people pay to hear Jordan Peterson talk for hours on Genesis and not get past chapter 1 verse 1?

I don’t want to exaggerate the claim. Most people are only interested in what’s on their phone at the moment, but there is at least some reaction against what might be called the modern myth, which promotes a sterile, lifeless, meaningless (but allegedly “scientific”) worldview. People are bored. They feel adrift, and life doesn’t have any meaning beyond pleasure or worldly success.

Rod Dreher wrote an interesting substack about this called North Toward Valhalla. It’s well worth your time.

Dreher claims that films like “The Northman” tap into this fascination, depicting a world where ritual, ancestry, and the supernatural merge into a life of profound significance. (Here’s a great review of the film by The Critical Drinker.)

As Dreher reflects on tradition and modern faith he speaks to this longing for enchantment as something missing in the stripped-down, rationalized aspects of modern life. For young men, especially, who seek meaning and connection, this resurgence in mythic storytelling highlights a need for an identity rooted in purpose, honor, and spiritual wonder. It may help to explain why so many young men are addicted to games. They provide something like a sense of meaning or purpose.

The Modern Longing for Enchantment

Modern secular, technological society is a fantastic thing. It’s given us antibiotics and labor-saving technologies that are simply amazing. But there’s no dispute that it’s come at a cost. Secular society reduces life to the material, emphasizing logic, technology, and efficiency over mystery and meaning. While these advancements offer many benefits, Dreher argues that they leave a void, creating a sense of disconnection from life’s deeper meaning.

In stark contrast, the symbolic, hero-driven narrative of The Northman shows characters motivated by a sense of duty and destiny that transcends self-interest. It’s an appeal to something timeless and heroic. But beyond that, there’s a constant sense of immanent spiritual reality. The gods are as real in The Northman as the sky and the land.

Dreher’s analysis suggests that this type of worldview, which modernity often overlooks, fulfills a deep-rooted human desire to connect with the divine, the sacred, and the transcendent.

The movie is very interesting, and — if you can handle the gore — worth a watch. But I’d like to take a diversion and discuss the lessons it should present to the modern church.

Can the church re-enchant the world?

About a year ago (I think) Jordan Peterson issued a challenge to Christian churches. One element of that challenge was to put a big sign in front of the church that said “Young Men are Welcome Here.”

I have my doubts that young men will see that sign and say, “Gee, maybe I should give it a try.” But such a public display sets a mood and an expectation. The liturgy committee now has to address how their latest effemimate nonsense will affect young men. A public sign and commitment isn’t going to have an immediate effect, but it might work its leaven into the dough over time.

The Church has historically offered an enchanted view of the world, seeing life itself as part of a divine narrative. By recovering these elements, the Church can address the growing need for something beyond the immediate, something enchanted and mysterious.

Recovering Enchantment through the Sacramental Life

For the Catholic Church, a return to enchantment begins with a reemphasis on the sacraments as tangible encounters with the divine. As Dreher emphasizes, religious traditions that are rich in symbolism, ritual, and beauty resonate more deeply than those that have adopted a utilitarian approach. The Mass, confession, and even the act of lighting a candle are not mere symbols; they’re a way to participate in divine reality. They’re actions that remind believers of the divine presence permeating their lives.

Reclaiming the depth and beauty of the sacraments means encouraging believers to experience them as genuine encounters with God, where heaven and earth meet. This type of engagement fosters an understanding that every action has spiritual weight, just as in “The Northman” every oath and ritual has cosmic significance.

Art, architecture, and music have historically been a cornerstone of Catholic spirituality. Beautiful spaces and traditions serve as reminders of the divine, stirring a sense of reverence that words alone cannot convey. Dreher notes that traditional beauty in worship is not just about aesthetics but about reaching the soul.

Building Brotherhood and Purpose

Dreher frequently advocates for community as a vital aspect of spiritual life, especially in a fragmented modern world where people don’t even know their neighbors. Young men often desire to be part of something bigger than themselves, and they seek a sense of belonging and brotherhood. To foster this, the Church might focus on creating spaces where men can explore faith in a supportive, purposeful environment.

Just as “The Northman” appeals to the timeless call of honor and bravery, the Church can focus on stories of saints, martyrs, and biblical figures who faced trials with courage and conviction. There is a heroic tradition in Christianity, and it can inspire young men to see themselves as part of a grand, meaningful narrative.

Rekindling Mystery and the Transcendent

Dreher points out that the search for mystery is not about answers but about opening oneself to questions that resist easy explanation. Accepting mystery can be powerful, encouraging believers to see their faith as a journey of discovery rather than a set of conclusions (blech!). The Church’s emphasis on prayer, meditation, and the mysteries of the faith invite believers to embrace the unknown with reverence, engaging with God in a dynamic, personal way.

By reawakening a sense of enchantment and mystery, the Catholic Church can speak directly to the modern heart’s deep yearnings. A return to an “enchanted” vision of life — one that celebrates meaning, beauty, community, and purpose — may well be the antidote to the secular malaise that leaves so many young men adrift. Through the sacraments, sacred art, and stories of valor and sacrifice, the Church can inspire a generation longing for meaning, offering them a path into a life where the sacred and the heroic are not relics of the past but living realities.

Why did Jesus use such outlandish language?

Catholics have had 4 weeks of sermons on the bread of life discourse in John 6, and I might have something to say about that later. For now, this — which is a conversation I had with ChatGPT. I found it pretty interesting.

Me: Please play the part of a psychologist who is an expert on communication styles.

GPT: Of course! As a psychologist specializing in communication styles, I can help you understand the various ways people communicate and how these styles can impact relationships, both personal and professional. … How can I assist you today?

Me: Let’s assume you have someone who regularly says outlandish things. Things that are hard to believe. Let’s also assume the person is acting in good faith, and believes that speaking this way is to the benefit of his listeners. What might be his motivation? Or, more importantly, are there any theories that explain why saying outlandish things could help the listener — maybe by getting out of their own assumptions.

GPT: When someone regularly says outlandish or surprising things, especially if they are acting in good faith and believe they are helping their listeners, several psychological theories and communication principles can explain their behavior and potential benefits to the listener:

1. Shock Value and Cognitive Dissonance
– Theory: Cognitive dissonance occurs when people experience discomfort due to holding conflicting beliefs or being exposed to information that challenges their existing beliefs. By saying outlandish things, the speaker may be intentionally creating cognitive dissonance in their listeners, forcing them to re-evaluate their assumptions or consider new perspectives.
– Benefit to the Listener: This approach can help listeners break free from rigid thought patterns or preconceived notions. It can be a way to encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking, as the listener is compelled to reconcile the surprising information with their existing beliefs.

2. Disruptive Innovation and Creativity
– Theory: In the realm of creativity and innovation, it’s often said that disruptive ideas—the ones that challenge the status quo—can lead to breakthroughs. By saying things that are outlandish or unconventional, the speaker might be trying to jolt the listener out of traditional ways of thinking.
– Benefit to the Listener: This can lead to more creative problem-solving or innovative thinking. The listener might be inspired to think outside the box and come up with novel solutions to problems or new ways of approaching a situation.

3. Attention and Memory Retention
– Theory: The Von Restorff effect, also known as the “isolation effect,” suggests that items that stand out are more likely to be remembered. Saying something outlandish makes it more memorable and can ensure that the message sticks with the listener longer.
– Benefit to the Listener: By using outlandish statements, the speaker may be trying to ensure that their message has a lasting impact. Even if the initial reaction is disbelief, the content is more likely to be remembered and pondered over, potentially leading to deeper understanding or long-term change.

4. Socratic Method and Intellectual Provocation
– Theory: The Socratic method involves asking provocative or challenging questions to stimulate critical thinking and draw out underlying assumptions. By saying outlandish things, the speaker may be using a similar approach to provoke thought and engage the listener in deeper analysis.
– Benefit to the Listener: This method can help listeners question their own beliefs and assumptions, leading to greater self-awareness and intellectual growth. It encourages a more active form of learning, where the listener must grapple with the information rather than passively accept it.

5. Persuasion through Novelty
– Theory: Persuasion often involves presenting ideas in a way that captures attention and stands out from the norm. Outlandish statements can serve as a form of novelty, making the communication more engaging and persuasive.
– Benefit to the Listener: Novel ideas or statements can make the listener more receptive to new information. Even if the initial reaction is skepticism, the novelty of the approach can lead to greater openness to considering alternative viewpoints.

6. Emotional Engagement
– Theory: Emotions play a significant role in communication. Outlandish statements can evoke strong emotional reactions, which in turn can make the communication more impactful.
– Benefit to the Listener: By engaging emotions, the speaker can create a more powerful connection with the listener. This emotional engagement can enhance the listener’s receptiveness to the underlying message and make the experience more memorable and meaningful.

In summary, while saying outlandish things may seem counterintuitive or even risky, when done in good faith, it can serve as a powerful tool for challenging assumptions, encouraging creativity, enhancing memory retention, provoking critical thinking, and engaging emotions. The key is that the speaker believes the shock or surprise will ultimately benefit the listener by opening their mind to new possibilities.

Me: That’s a good summary. Thanks. I asked the question because I believe Jesus does this repeatedly in the Gospels. How would you apply this concept to Jesus and his ministry?

GPT: Applying the concept of using outlandish statements to Jesus and his ministry in the Gospels offers a fascinating lens through which to understand his teachings and the impact they had on his audience.

1. Challenging Existing Beliefs and Social Norms
– Examples: Jesus often made statements that directly challenged the religious and social norms of his time. For instance, saying, “The last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16) or “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44) were radically countercultural.
– Application: These statements disrupted the conventional wisdom of the day, forcing people to reconsider their understanding of justice, mercy, and community. By presenting ideas that seemed outlandish, Jesus invited his listeners to question their existing beliefs and open themselves up to a new way of thinking that aligned with the Kingdom of God.

2. Provoking Deep Reflection and Critical Thought
– Examples: Parables like “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37) or “The Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11-32) contain elements that were surprising or even shocking to their original audiences. The idea that a Samaritan could be the hero or that a wayward son could be welcomed back with open arms was meant to provoke deep reflection.
– Application: Jesus used these stories to challenge his listeners to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors. The outlandish elements were not just for shock value but were carefully designed to cut through complacency and lead people to a deeper understanding of love, forgiveness, and grace.

3. Breaking Down Barriers and Expanding Horizons
– Examples: Statements like “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25) would have seemed hyperbolic or even absurd, especially to those who saw wealth as a sign of God’s favor.
– Application: Such statements served to break down the barriers that people had erected around themselves and their understanding of God’s kingdom. By using extreme examples, Jesus expanded their horizons and invited them to see beyond the literal and material to the spiritual truths he was revealing.

4. Enhancing Memory and Impact
– Examples: Jesus often used vivid, memorable imagery, like “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35) or “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). These metaphors would have resonated deeply with his audience, embedding themselves in their minds.
– Application: By making bold, metaphorical statements, Jesus ensured that his teachings would be remembered long after the initial encounter. The striking nature of these statements meant that they were discussed, pondered, and passed down, making them central to the faith and life of his followers.

5. Revealing Deeper Truths Through Paradox
– Examples: Jesus frequently used paradoxical statements, such as “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39). These statements seem contradictory at first glance but are meant to reveal deeper spiritual truths.
– Application: The paradoxes that Jesus presented often required his listeners to dig deeper to uncover their true meaning. This process of grappling with the outlandish or paradoxical statement helped to cement the teaching in the listener’s heart and mind, leading to spiritual growth and transformation.

6. Creating Cognitive Dissonance to Drive Change
– Examples: When Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days” (John 2:19), he was speaking metaphorically about his resurrection, but his audience initially took him literally, leading to confusion and cognitive dissonance.
– Application: By creating moments of cognitive dissonance, Jesus pushed his listeners to move beyond surface-level understanding and engage with the deeper implications of his words. This discomfort was a catalyst for transformation, as it prompted individuals to reconsider their beliefs and ultimately embrace the radical message of the Gospel.

In summary, Jesus’ use of outlandish statements in the Gospels can be seen as a deliberate and powerful communication strategy designed to disrupt conventional thinking, provoke reflection, and ultimately lead his followers to a deeper understanding of God’s truth. His teachings, often wrapped in shocking or paradoxical language, were intended to break through the barriers of familiarity and complacency, drawing people into a transformative encounter with divine wisdom.