- Trump seems to have beaten expectations, but not by as much as I expected. Some people believe it could have been called for Trump last night, but … we can wait.
- While I sympathize with people who want to be able to get the results on election day, I don’t see why it’s all that important. In the early days of the country you probably had to wait weeks or months to get the results.
- The reluctance to call some states seems suspicious to me — not that I’m an expert on that process — and I suspect there will be legal fights in the states that are close, and there will be accusations of cheating, of “finding votes” at the last minute, etc.
- Whatever ham-handed thing Trump says about this, it will be mischaracterized in the media. Count on it.
Looking back on this election cycle, I think everyone has to admit that their negative feelings towards the other side are at least in part based on lies and exaggerations. For example, Trump never said white supremacists were “very fine people,” although a lot of people believe that, and while Biden is showing signs of age, he is not senile.
We need to be on our guard against such manipulations.
FWIW, my sister lives in suburban Detroit. She and her husband voted for Trump in 2016. This year they both voted for Biden. Michigan is a decider in this election.
I am not even going to make a pick at this point although it shows leaning in Biden’s direction for Michigan and Nevada. We’ll see. Maybe not for a while… You can be sure if Trump wins, he’ll say he “won in a landslide.” Maybe even say, “…won by the greatest margin ever.”
Who am I kidding. Even if he loses, Trump will claim he “won by a landslide, some are saying it is the greatest margin of victory ever.”
I don’t doubt he will brag, no matter what the results, and he complain he was cheated if he loses. The bragging is obnoxious. The claims that he was cheated … who knows. Politics is a dirty game, and who can we trust to ensure there was no cheating?
QUOTE: For example, Trump never said white supremacists were “very fine people,” although a lot of people believe that.
Trump said… “…and you had some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.” The rally participants were comprised of various alt-right, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, white supremacist, white nationalist, Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, Identitarian and other far-right groups.
Look up the text. He clearly condemns white supremacists.
I don’t have to look up the text. The quote was taken directly from his video of his statement.
I disagree William. I listened live when Trump made the speech and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Trump is a poor speaker for content, and then seemingly took back some of the things he said.
There were some people at the rally that were protesting the taking down of the statues. They weren’t jumping in on the “Jews will not replace us” rhetoric. I think they are wrong for defending confederate monuments, but it is those people Trump was talking about when he said there were good people on both sides. IMHO, the media got this wrong.
QUOTE: I disagree William. I listened live when Trump made the speech and jumped to the wrong conclusion.
I’m not sure what you’re disagreeing with. I took the quote directly from the video of the press conference in which Trump stated it. I posted the link so that anyone who questioned the quote could look for themselves and see this is what was actually stated.
As well, I listed the participants of the “Unite the Right” rally (who were being referenced during the press conference). Both of the items I listed are factual.
I listened to the speech live. Heard it on repeat ad nauseum. And, misunderstood it for 3 years. Do you actually think I’m denying that he said there were “good people” at the rally? Do you think Greg is doing it as well? Really? Maybe I’m not being “factual” because I am denying what orange bozo said?
To make it crystal clear, I’m not denying he said that. After careful listening of the speech it became clear to me that what he meant was that some of the people at the rally were there because they didn’t agree with the removal of the monuments. They weren’t there like the people shouting “Jews will not replace us.” They weren’t there ostensibly hating on anyone. They just were good people protesting what they saw as the destruction of their cultural memory. I personally oppose confederate monuments and think they have no place of honor in the public square. But, in America, people are free to be wrong.
Well, that made two of us who listened live. As well, many times afterwards. So, I’m glad we got that cleared up! As to your intent and hearing, I have no question. I was quoting what Trump said in the instance in question…not an interpretation of what he said.
That said, people have different interpretations of what was meant when Trump “actually” made the statement about “both sides”…due to his ham-handed manner of speaking. As well, there is unclarity about the intent of full population of those who participated. Due to these circumstances, it’s not as clear as some would like to make it…on both sides…of the argument.
Racists often blow hot and cold.