Facial recognition

P&C drink and review Hawaii Five Ale, a blonde ale with lots of fruit additions.

Voice recognition and facial recognition have come along faster than the boys anticipated. The new technologies offer lots of new possibilities, but there are also new privacy concerns as a result.

Are we on a path to blanket, continuous surveillance?

Pigweed and Crowhill discuss some of the positive aspects and potential benefits of facial recognition, as well as some of the concerns.

One thought on “Facial recognition”

  1. QUOTE: Are we on a path to blanket, continuous surveillance?

    We’ve been on it for some time…this is just another brick in the wall. Given our cell phones, debit cards, I-Pass/EZ-Pass toll devices, video cams at stores/on roadways, home surveillance systems, baby monitoring devices, emails, etc…if the government (or anyone) wanted to hack and observe us they’d have all the information needed to do so. Adding voice and face recognition just makes it that much easier.

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