Russell Brand takes down Ted Cruz

This is very interesting. It starts off with some thoughts about Jan. 6, and how it’s being used to crack down on dissent in general, but later in the video Brand does some hilarious commentary on Tucker Carlson’s interview with Ted Cruz.

I would suggest that Cruz used the word “terrorist” in the typical cowardly Republican way — to go along with the demands of the left rather than having the guts to tell them to go soak their heads.

5 thoughts on “Russell Brand takes down Ted Cruz”

  1. Taking down Ted is not that difficult. During the 2016 debates, I thought Trump was preferable to Cruz because Cruz is such a weasel. My opinion on Cruz hasn’t changed. IDK if he would have done what Trump did regarding the election and attempted overthrow or not. I know I don’t want that dude anywhere near power. I think I still prefer Trump to Cruz. Probably.

    1. I don’t have the same reaction to Cruz. He’s a politician, so he’s slimy and insincere and manipulative. And the story is that he’s difficult to like, on a personal level. But I generally agree with the positions he pretends to take.

      I suspect that picking a politician to back is like picking a whore from a cheap brothel in some wretched third-world country. Not that I’ve ever done that, but the choice seems similar. It’s a choice between bad options, and you know you’re going to regret it.

    2. QUOTE: IDK if he would have done what Trump did regarding the election and attempted overthrow or not. I know I don’t want that dude anywhere near power.

      We’ll never know, but I believe he would have gone as far as Trump, “if” he felt he could get away with it. Remember, he volunteered to argue a case before the Supreme Court in an attempt to overturn the PA 2020 election outcomes. As well, was allegedly asked by Trump to argue before the Supreme Court for the bogus lawsuit seeking to overturn the 2020 election outcomes in four states. That and him sucking up to Trump (after his family being insulted by him), says all I need to know about his character and that he should be no where near power.

      That said, I remember once when conservatives use to care about the character of a president or at least they pretended to when rightfully going after Clinton (aka slick Willy). Now, not so much, it seems. As long as they can lie and maneuver enough to “own the libs”, that’s all that’s required.

  2. Cowardice has indeed become typical of Republicans, as they keep on licking the boots of Trump. Cruz of course is all the more the coward, for he bows down not only to Trump (who has severely degraded him and his family), but to the chief of rightwing media blowhards, Tucker Carlson who continually tries to whitewash and distort the plain fact that what occurred on the 6th of January was a terrorist attack. No one is in the least bit a “leftist” in acknowledging this fact.

    1. QUOTE: …but to the chief of rightwing media blowhards, Tucker Carlson who continually tries to whitewash and distort the plain fact that what occurred on the 6th of January was a terrorist attack.

      Could you imagine the narrative if it really was Antifa that conducted this attack (instead of the lie they tried)? Yet, somehow for them this was the action of “patriots”. I suspect that sort of doublemindedness is to be expected these days but somehow it’s still astounding.

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