Is Spotify a publisher or a platform?

Hundreds of doctors have signed a petition asking Spotify to “take action” against Joe Rogan.

Though Spotify has a responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation on its platform, the company presently has no misinformation policy.

That quote highlights the problem. If Spotify is a publisher, it does have responsibility for the content it releases. If Spotify is a “platform,” it does not.

Congress is seriously derelict in its duty on this one. This issue should have been handled many years ago.

2 thoughts on “Is Spotify a publisher or a platform?”

  1. To me it’s not so clear what Spotify is…other than a ripoff to musicians.

    In my mind, it’s clear to me that Twitter is a platform, I’d go the same for Facebook and IG.

    Google, so far as search… platform. YouTube…mostly platform…but they do pay people for content even if it’s just royalties. It gets a little murky.

    Spotify? Tend to put them more in the publisher category.

    1. I think you’re right that it’s not a binary thing — publisher or platform. Any given service may have elements of both.

      My concern is over their ability to censor content. The solution might have to be unique to each service.

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