Fallout from the Jussie Smollett case

PJ Media asks Now That Jussie Smollett Has Been Found Guilty, Will These Democrats Admit They Were Fooled?

That’s an interesting question, but the better question is whether they have any level of self-reflection, and whether they will ask themselves why they were so willing to believe a story that had so many problems from the very beginning. Why did this story, which was well-supplied in BS, get past their BS detector? What motivated them to believe this, despite the obvious red flags?

One thought on “Fallout from the Jussie Smollett case”

  1. QUOTE: That’s an interesting question, but the better question is whether they have any level of self-reflection, and whether they will ask themselves why they were so willing to believe a story that had so many problems from the very beginning.

    Agreed! Just listening to the initial story should have sent up red flags…if no more than to listen for more information/facts before accepting or supporting it.

    QUOTE: Why did this story, which was well-supplied in BS, get past their BS detector? What motivated them to believe this, despite the obvious red flags?

    I’ve had the same questions about other recent social occurrences such as Sidney Powell’s claims of widespread voter fraud. Like Smollett, when tested in a court of law the claims had no validity. Yet, what motivated people to believe her even before the alleged evidence (aka The Kraken) was released ? Why were her claims so readily accepted…to the point they likely contributed to a riot at the US Capitol Building and death threats to government officials?

    These and like issues cause me wonder if this is the residual impact of contemporary society living in echo chamber/bubbles.

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