Mrs. Crowhill and I usually split the newspaper over our morning eggs. She gets the front page and I get the commentary and sports section. (I hardly ever read the sports section.) I often look at the front page over lunch.
This morning, Mrs. C pointed out a good thing about critical race theory: it’s causing parents to pull their kids out of the government-run indoctrination centers falsely called “schools.”
This movement — if, please God, it is a movement — is about 40 years late, in my opinion. Before then, while the government technically ran the system, they were controlled locally. And that is the key. We need to push things down to the local level wherever possible. Let people make their own decisions about how to run their lives, whether or not some distant bureaucrat approves.
Leaving aside the leftward bias in education, the anti-parent attitude, the simple incompetence …. The very idea of the central government running the school system sounds like something straight from a communist playbook. (Although Mao took a different path and closed the schools, which the government also should not be able to do.)
Since I started paying half-decent attention to public policy issues (maybe 1982?) there have been about a thousand straws that should have broken the camel’s back. “Surely this will be a step too far and people will pull their kids out of the ‘public’ schools.”
Nope. It’s asking too much for parents to give up the McMansion and the nice car so they can afford religious, private or homeschooling.
Mrs. Crowhill and I decided early on that we would rather live in a trailer and homeschool than live in a nice house and send them to the government-run schools. We’ve been fortunate to have nicer accommodations than that.
Anyway, maybe, just maybe critical race theory will be the final straw. I hope so.