There’s a common conspiracy theory that simple remedies don’t get promoted because Big Pharma doesn’t make any money off that stuff. E.g., if somebody discovered that tea made with oak leaves cured cancer, the idea would be suppressed to save Pharma profits.
I don’t go for that sort of view of the world. We have a free press, and if there was such evidence, they’d publish it.
Or … would they?
Recently it seems that the press, the government and Big Pharma have all been singing from the same hymnal. I’m not willing to accept the conspiracy theory view of things, but … I’m getting closer all the time. When only one view is allowed to be spoken, it makes it harder to believe that view.
Here’s a test case.
A potential herbal remedy for coronavirus? Massachusetts researcher studies plant’s impact on virus
I have no idea if this stuff works, but let’s see how it plays out.
Haven’t we already had a test case with hydroxychloroquine? The press, FDA and Big Pharma were collectively saying it wasn’t effective. Yet, there was a doctor that testified of its benefits and even endorsed by our 45th president.
Actually, I see the hydroxychloroquine example going the other way — as an example of media trying to suppress views. Of course they weren’t able to shut Trump up. But now that they have a puppet in the White House, the full-court press is back on.
There are still podcasts and conservative media to prevent complete thought control, but it is rather amazing how a media / government / big tech partnership seems intent on controlling the message, and they’re fairly successful.
Here we are getting the grand conspiracy theory that implicates all three of those forces as a sinister unit that is attempting to suppress information that will benefit people. Folksy wisdom will tell you that taking hydroxychloroquine and injecting bleach are great, but those three em effers are deceiving the public at large about these items of common sense. Just add that they are advancing the cause of the Great Replacement and eating our babies, and you are in La La Land with Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rest of QAnon.
Well the senior deacon at our parish got Covid. For treatment, he decided to use Ivermectin. But, he didn’t go to a doctor or pharmacy. He went to a feed store and bought Ivermectin for horses with a green apple flavor. I know, because he has told me twice. I’m polite and don’t say anything or roll my eyes. He said the green apple flavor was really green apples. He got better after taking Ivermectin and didn’t have to go to the hospital. Of course, he drank water too. Could have been the water.
In other news, our governor spent $1.6 million on HCQ doses based on the promotion of Dr. Trump. Looks like our state will be able to get a refund.