A public record of some of my thoughts. Feel free to comment, but don't expect me to respond.
The Censorship-Industrial Complex
8 thoughts on “The Censorship-Industrial Complex”
That sounds interesting. Yet, I’d want to know more context for the facts he cites. For instance, what was considered misinformation by these organizations and if what they flagged was actually incorrect or harmful. As well, in what situations did they typically act. Sometimes the “highlights” of such testimony sounds good but when you dig further you find nuances make a significant difference and give a different view of the narrative being expressed.
Yes, more needs to be known. Maybe they should have a hearing?
Not that I believe Congress desires to or is capable of getting to the bottom of it, but I’m glad more information is coming out.
QUOTE: Yes, more needs to be known. Maybe they should have a hearing?
I’m not sure what you see, but what I’ve seen from most congressional hearings isn’t much better than what the media provides. Lots of grandstanding with hopes it will create viral media sound bites that will curry favor with their respective base. IOWs, it’s more political theater than a fact-finding forum. So, good luck getting to the bottom of it with a hearing.
I found the media coverage of this story (as with most) slanted based on a given perspective. Albeit not a panacea, I find resources like the link below somewhat helpful in getting a broader perspective and closer to the context. Still, I think there’s more to be unearthed on this story before I could say I understood it accurately.
I hate that you linked to that f*cker dsouza the liar/convict. I started watching and then turned it off when I realized whose channel it is. I refuse to give that SOB any monetization. Who knows what utter crap YouTube will start recommending to me now…
I guess I’ll have to find Taibbi’s testimony somewhere else.
That sounds interesting. Yet, I’d want to know more context for the facts he cites. For instance, what was considered misinformation by these organizations and if what they flagged was actually incorrect or harmful. As well, in what situations did they typically act. Sometimes the “highlights” of such testimony sounds good but when you dig further you find nuances make a significant difference and give a different view of the narrative being expressed.
Yes, more needs to be known. Maybe they should have a hearing?
Not that I believe Congress desires to or is capable of getting to the bottom of it, but I’m glad more information is coming out.
QUOTE: Yes, more needs to be known. Maybe they should have a hearing?
I’m not sure what you see, but what I’ve seen from most congressional hearings isn’t much better than what the media provides. Lots of grandstanding with hopes it will create viral media sound bites that will curry favor with their respective base. IOWs, it’s more political theater than a fact-finding forum. So, good luck getting to the bottom of it with a hearing.
I found the media coverage of this story (as with most) slanted based on a given perspective. Albeit not a panacea, I find resources like the link below somewhat helpful in getting a broader perspective and closer to the context. Still, I think there’s more to be unearthed on this story before I could say I understood it accurately.
I hate that you linked to that f*cker dsouza the liar/convict. I started watching and then turned it off when I realized whose channel it is. I refuse to give that SOB any monetization. Who knows what utter crap YouTube will start recommending to me now…
I guess I’ll have to find Taibbi’s testimony somewhere else.
If you haven’t found this already…the link is from Forbes and contains the entire hearing…Taibbi begins around 24:00.
Oh god… Well, the Repugs are going to take the White House in ’24. Do the Dims realize how bad they look at this hearing?
This is all political theater, but the Dims are playing the villain here.
QUOTE: This is all political theater, but the Dims are playing the villain here.
Indeed, just to think some suggest having a hearing. :-). Given the typical behavior, it makes one wonder what true benefit they render.