Yesterday’s nutty conspiracy theory is today’s headline

How many Covid-related things were conspiracy theories before they were mainstream, acceptable ideas? Let’s see …

  • The virus was engineered in a lab in China.
  • Cloth masks don’t do anything useful.
  • After you’re vaccinated you can still get and spread Covid.

There have also been reports of the vaccines interfering with women’s fertility. (Conspiracy!! Ban that lunatic!) But now …

EU investigates reports of menstrual disorders after mRNA Covid shots

5 thoughts on “Yesterday’s nutty conspiracy theory is today’s headline”

  1. Indeed, Covid has been rather tricky phenomenon to get accurate. How may Covid-related things were held as true and discovered to be false (but still held as true by some). Who can forget…

    *There will be no Covid 2nd wave.
    *Hydroxychloroquine is an effective Covid treatment.
    *Covid will go away during warmer weather…it will disappear.
    * Covid vaccine magnetizes people and contain microchips.
    *Mouthwash can reduce the viral implications of Covid.

    Some in hospital ICUs died in denial because somehow they got the notion that Covid was a hoax. Unfortunately, there was another unexpected Covid casualty…”Big Bird” was cancelled because he endorsed Covid vaccine.

    That said, many novel social phenomena have a trial and error dynamic. No one gets it 100% accurate and we learn new things as we go along. I don’t think we should expect Covid to be any different. I suspect in 20 years, looking back, we will realize just how many errors were made, despite the good intentions by some (and intentional misdeeds of others).

    1. I’m not sure this one fits the pattern, since Ivermectin has been (largely) considered a conspiracy theory all along.

      The pattern I’m looking for is …
      (1) X is considered settled and sure and expert approved (or disapproved)
      (2) Turns out the opposite is the case.

      But yes, it does seem that ivermectin is not living up to some people’s expectations.

      1. It fits the title of the post… Yesterday’s nutty conspiracy theory is today’s headline.

        It started as conspiracy theory and it’s in today’s headlines to (indicating it’s still a conspiracy theory).

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