I haven’t followed her closely, but Marjorie Taylor Greene sounds like a bit of a loose canon. She reminds me of Sarah Palin — kinda mostly on the right side of things, but with a few screws that need tightening.
In a news conference where she is (correctly) calling attention to possible abuses by the Capitol Police, she made an amusing gaffe. See ‘Gazpacho Police’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Pelosi Spying on Congress in Scheme Involving Cold Spanish Soup.
Everybody who speaks in public says silly things from time to time, and it’s not right to distract from a legit political message by focusing on the gaffe. But this one was funny.
I’m confused. Reminds me of Schrodinger’s Immigrant… meaning Mexicans are too lazy to work while at the same time stealing all the jobs.
I guess the Capitol Police Schrodinger’s police force… simultaneously not doing enough while also being the gaspacho.
I’m not endorsing MTG’s take (on anything) but it’s not conceptually irrational to posit that a police force in the employ of purported tyrants could be selectively abusive and selectively neglectful.
No. Rather, I think it’s probably better to lean towards the opposite conclusion and assume that anything under the control of powerful people is selectively abusive and neglectful.
I think the Repug take on things now is that the Capitol Police didn’t do enough to stop “legitimate political discourse”, as that was all the “protesters” were doing. I guess Cheney, McConnell and a few Repugs you could count on one hand would disagree with that take.
So, if the Capitol Police are spies, they must not be very good ones, given how they were unprepared and overwhelmed by the events on Jan 6.
That said, if spying is a concern, MTG might want to take a look at the Patriot Act and those who endorsed it.