How long will Biden last?

Serious question. Will he …

1. Serve out his full term and run for re-election?
2. Serve out his full term but not run for re-election?
3. Resign in 2024?
4. Resign in 2023?
5. Resign in 2022?

It’s very clear that he’s in trouble.

He’s playing to the worst, most extreme part of his base, and he’s not getting anything done. His administration is widely considered incompetent at best, and extremely partisan. His speech in Georgia was disgraceful, and he’s so toxic that Stacey Abrams didn’t even meet with him. And that was before his ridiculous speech!

If he had a popular vice president, there would be pressure on him to resign, but since Harris is very unpopular, Democrats are in trouble. What do they do with Biden?

The best scenario for the country would be that some grown-ups would intervene and push Biden towards the center. But who would that be? Not Pelosi or Schumer, who are possibly more partisan than Biden.

And that’s the other problem for Democrats. They don’t have a bench. There’s nobody of any stature waiting in the wings. It’s so bad they’re even talking of bringing Hillary back.

The most likely scenario is a long, lame-duck presidency. Republicans will capture Congress in 2022, and the presidency in 2024.

It would be nice to believe that after the Republicans take the Congress in 2022, Biden will come towards the center, the way Bill Clinton did after the 1994 election. That is the best scenario for the country.

Failing that, the best scenario would be a lame-duck presidency for the rest of Biden’s term, and the rise of some dark-horse Democratic candidate who can bill himself as a moderate, and the new leader of the Democratic party. I’m not sure who that could be.

Another option — not likely — would be to bring in Hillary in some key cabinet position, and have her become the de facto face of the administration.

8 thoughts on “How long will Biden last?”

  1. I’m thankful Trump was President. Thankful that our southern border is secure and the big beautiful wall that only a guy like could build was built; that all the immigration problems have been solved; and that North Korea and Iran aren’t closer to having Nukes or ICBMs.

    That being said, I think Biden will decline to run in 2024–option 2, I guess.

    1. You seem compelled to comment on Trump even if the question is entirely about Biden.

      1. That’s odd…the post contained commentary about Democrats and Republicans. Yet, it seems, despite the question being answered about Biden…Trump cannot be mentioned. Interesting.

        1. I remember the toxic AF inauguration speech (American Carnage) in 2017. I remember someone, I don’t remember his name, embracing all the worst elements of his party…well, maybe actually being the worst element of his party, and no one asking when he was going to resign, blah, blah.

          Different perspectives are interesting.

          1. Exactly! The problem for most Biden-bashers is that even when they rightfully criticize him, they generally failed to do so with Trump on like issues. Their utter hypocrisy is glaring and it seems they are uber sensitive about it. So much so, they had to create a fake syndrome to chide others that point out issues so obvious that a blind man could see them. Sorry, but Trump comes with the territory on matters such as this…deal with it.

            1. Not only that, but also Biden inherited the colossal mess that Trump left behind. The only reason that Trump has recently started boasting about giving us the vaccine (an exaggeration, to be sure) lies in the fact that almost everything else he had done, including an inconsistent and often idiotic response to the pandemic, was a disaster. In view of this and the attempted violent coup of 1/6, now approved by the GOP, one recoils at the idea that they can even be taken seriously at this point.

  2. QUOTE: How long will Biden last?

    Barring any serious illness, #2 – serve out his full term but not run for re-election.

    QUOTE: He’s playing to the worst, most extreme part of his base, and he’s not getting anything done. His administration is widely considered incompetent at best, and extremely partisan.

    Are you talking about Biden, Trump or both? For each one of those points I could name an example from Trump’s administration. If these are issues that cause a president to be ineffective, why didn’t we hear more about these issue from conservatives before Biden’s election? But, despite conservatives’ negligence, the country articulated its concern by electing a different president after one term by historic numbers. I suppose the same thing might happen in 2024 if the perception of Biden doesn’t improve and the Republicans come up with an electable candidate.

    QUOTE: Democrats are in trouble. What do they do with Biden?

    They “might” do the same thing Republicans did with a leader that had rumors of mental instability, historic low approval ratings, embarrassed himself on the world stage while the world literally laughed at him, an administration with historic turnover levels and issues with corruption, and ranked amongst the worst presidents in US history…stick with him.

    QUOTE:The best scenario for the country would be that some grown-ups would intervene and push Biden towards the center.

    This is laughable…if you really believe Biden is not a moderate. Yet, I seriously doubt conservatives would ever positively view Biden unless he did what they wanted…become a defacto Republican. Even more astounding, conservatives complained Trump wasn’t conservative enough. So, let me see if I can understand this…a Democrat president needs to be a moderate for the good of the country but a Republican president needs to be ultra conservative? Okay, I’ll stop laughing now.

  3. I don’t preclude option 1 if he feel his health permits. Like any president, he wants to defend his first-term achievements and the best way to do that is through re-election.

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