8 thoughts on “This will get you off your couch”

  1. I can appreciate the hard work of a Ford, Edison, Gates, Jobs, Musk, Branson, etc. But the hard work of a Jared, Ivanka, or other politicos or uber wealthy’s kids? Not so much. There is a crisis of hope for a lot because they don’t even know what they should shoot for. If I was to do it again, I’d shoot higher than a BS in engineering. But, my parents didn’t have degrees. I can’t imagine the lack of hope of people born in abject poverty. And, I’m amazed at those who ascend out of it without their parents buying their way into an Ivy league school.

    1. We don’t all get the same hand in life, and that can be very challenging and discouraging, but the message to quit complaining and try harder always resonates with me.

      1. QUOTE: We don’t all get the same hand in life, and that can be very challenging and discouraging, but the message to quit complaining and try harder always resonates with me.

        It would be interesting if this sentiment was given to those who complain that if they aren’t allowed on certain social media platforms (because they don’t comply with their rules) that it puts them at a significant disadvantage. Could it be that they just need to try harder?

              1. Try harder is the rhetoric, but whining is what happens when they can’t get their way. 🙂

  2. I recently watched a Netflix series all about “trying harder” (see link below). It’s a story about the complex, challenging, imperfect life of a young single mother trying to find her way in the world. She gets knocked down by life numerous times but despite that continues to try. It’s not a polite tale. It contains strong language and adult themes but it’s inspirational in that illustrates the resilience of the human spirit.


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