3 thoughts on “Is the American Psychological Association too woke?”

  1. QUOTE: Is the American Psychological Association too woke? Of course it is.

    Based on what?

    First, what is “too woke” and does that objectively hamper the effectiveness of the APA? Second, is the former employee’s opinions valid or is he expressing biased personal preferences? Interestingly, the article says, Ferguson has not always agreed with the APA’s judgement but had made the decision to “fix from within.”. So, did he come to the organization with a biased perspective and viewed APA practices through that lens? Given it seems he wasn’t successful in his quest to change the organization are we hearing more “sour grapes” than “objective, fact-based” criticisms? Is there a cadre of psychologists that support his perspectives or are his views isolated? This article seems to chronicle one psychologist’s opinion as opposed to making a compelling case validating his claims.

    That said, if indeed a former professional employee’s perspective is the standard for a valid assessment of an organization then…Is Fox News’ rhetoric beyond reckless? Of course it is.


    “What Fox allowed in Tucker Carlson’s documentary, which said that January 6 was potentially a false flag operation undertaken by the federal government and that Americans were being put in Guantanomo over pictures of waterboarding, was beyond reckless and is another mile-marker down the road to the kind of Alex Jones-ian, Infowars-ian garbage that makes it impossible to have any kind of conversation.”


      1. So, does any amount of woke hamper the effectiveness of the APA? If so, how is that objectively determined?

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