Obama v Trump in 2024?

I think it’s a solid bet that neither Biden nor Harris would win a presidential election in 2024. (I’m not even certain Biden will still be in office in 2024.) So who should the Democrats start grooming for the next presidential race?

As I survey the current political landscape, I can’t think of anybody on the Democrat side who would beat Michelle Obama. She has no political experience, but neither did Trump, and Barak Obama didn’t have much experience either.

I don’t like her, but I’m in the minority. She’s very popular and admired, and many people would long for a return to the Obama days.

Unfortunately, there’s probably nobody on the Republican side who would beat Donald Trump.

5 thoughts on “Obama v Trump in 2024?”

  1. QUOTE: I think it’s a solid bet that neither Biden nor Harris would win a presidential election in 2024. (I’m not even certain Biden will still be in office in 2024.)

    Given the unstable nature of public perception, we likely should expect the unexpected. Many didn’t think Trump had a chance. Some questioned, after the Iowa caucus, if Biden was a legit opponent. Yet, both were elected.

    QUOTE: Unfortunately, there’s probably nobody on the Republican side who would beat Donald Trump.

    What about DeSantis? There seemed to be some level of ground swell about him a few months ago.

    1. I hope DeSantis or Cruz or Haley or somebody else can get the nomination, but I’m afraid nobody has what it takes to beat Trump.

        1. One of two things. Either the candidate has to be willing to play dirty (like Trump does), or the electorate has to sour on people who play dirty.

          I don’t think either will happen. The candidates have too much self respect (or something along those lines), and the conservative part of the electorate has been starved for somebody who’s willing to punch back.

          For example, Harry Reid told a bald-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying his taxes. Mitt was too … wimpy? … too much of a gentleman? … to hit back.

          Trump would have buried him. He would have come up with some clever and insulting line that he would have repeated incessantly at his rallies. And the crowd would have loved it, because they all know that Harry Reid was a liar, and somebody was finally calling him out.

          1. QUOTE: I don’t think either will happen. The candidates have too much self respect (or something along those lines)

            I agree on your factors for beating Trump. Albeit not as charismatic as Trump, still Cruz, DeSantis or even Gaetz might score well on playing dirty.

            QUOTE: And the crowd would have loved it, because they all know that Harry Reid was a liar, and somebody was finally calling him out.

            Interesting dynamic about lying…the crowd would love when Trump called out other liars but not so much when Trump was called out as a liar.

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