Russell Brand, the global mind, totemic figures and zombies

Several lines of thought have been converging recently.

I’m listening to Global Brain on Chirp. It’s a strange book. The basic idea is that intelligence and mind extend beyond the individual in surprising ways. Some examples, like communications among bacteria, or flocks of birds, seem reasonable. The group is far greater than the sum of its parts. Some of the author’s conclusions seem a little more fanciful. But it’s interesting stuff.

Recently I heard someone riffing on the significance of the popularity of zombies. The idea is that we’re collectively telling ourselves something — e.g., that we’re afraid of losing control, or that individuality is dying, or … something. I forget the details. (I believe it was in the most recent Jordan Peterson podcast.) But I agree with the general proposition that popularity means something, and can point to a larger issue.

And then, along similar lines in the video below, Russell Brand speaks of Biden and Johnson as “totemic figures.” I’m putting words in his mouth, but it’s as if the collective consciousness is screaming at us that something is very wrong with the way we organize ourselves. (Who can argue with that?)

By the way, I continue to be impressed with Russell Brand’s videos. He’s very intelligent, and very funny.