5 thoughts on ““The Opposite of Almost Everything I Was Taught””

  1. From the review:

    “(housewife perk–listening to mind expanding audiobooks while working 😉 )”

    A woman after my own heart!

    1. I get notices when a comment is posted, but the notice for your comment went into my gmail. spam. How many years have I known you? How many times have you commented?

      Stupid Google.

      1. I wonder if Google’s spam filter recently had a buggy update. Last week I got a small number of glaringly obvious spam emails in my inbox for a day or two, and then it went back to normal.

        Not complaining because I don’t expect this to be your #1 priority, but I was wondering why a comment I made on a P&C show post on the other blog hasn’t come out of moderation after about two days. Maybe this also went to your spam? Or maybe you just have better things to do. 😉

        1. Sorry about that. Not sure what held that up. You and Joe Lustig both had comments held. I’ve approved them. If the settings work correctly, once I approve one of your comments the rest should go through.

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