No, I am not quoting the climate change girl. I’m quoting a fully grown woman who reamed out my lovely dental hygienist because she sent her kids back to school.
“You’re putting the teachers at risk.”
The moral expert apparently went on for about ten minutes, complaining about how horrible a human being is the woman who has been taking care of my teeth for about a decade. (She’s very friendly, and somehow manages to remember all my children and what they’re doing, and other details I would never expect her to know.)
I can’t imagine speaking to someone that way. It’s like the worst caricature of the Methodist Church Lady, going around wagging her finger and hectoring and lecturing from her holier than thou perch.
How did we get here? It’s not only that people are dead certain about things way over their heads, and about which there is legitimate debate (otherwise the schools wouldn’t have opened!), but they’re willing to make enemies about this stuff.