I just heard a story about life in Arizona, which is (so I was informed) one of those states where almost everyone is armed. Or could be.
They’re also very polite.
What a surprise.
A public record of some of my thoughts. Feel free to comment, but don't expect me to respond.
I just heard a story about life in Arizona, which is (so I was informed) one of those states where almost everyone is armed. Or could be.
They’re also very polite.
What a surprise.
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Maybe a little off topic…
It was interesting seeing a video of a proud-ish boy being sucker punched yesterday. I guess Trump or one of his spawn retweeted it. It was clearly a sucker punch, but then someone showed more of the video before the sucker punch. In it, the proud-ish boy seems to be an instigator and there is an ongoing rumble between the proud-ish boy and maybe some antifa or antifa-lite.
It was interesting seeing the commentary. Some were deriding orange bozo (and/or the spawn?) because of the fake news tweet…not showing the lead up to the sucker punch. The Trumps had promoted it as a “look what antifa (or dems) are doing to a poor innocent Trump supporter.” Not what happened, but lots of blame to go along.
However, there was one comment that I laughed at–because of the ridiculousness of it. They were criticizing the proud-ish boy for hitting women. And, I thought that was one of the few things he did right. Always in these antifa videos there is some bitch attacking a man…and the man is just supposed to take it? Honestly, when i see it, I want to see whoever it is break her face and cave it in. These antifa women think they should be immune from getting hurt because they are women. No. Throw a punch and expect to get one in return. A man shouldn’t hit a lady. But if you are a woman throwing a punch at a man, you are no lady. Throw out the window any expectation that a man should not be able to defend himself.
I’m willing to take it as a given that there were people on both sides who went to these events spoiling for a fight. That’s okay with me (at some level), so long as they only fight each other. What bugs me is when peaceful people get caught in the middle of it, and someone gets violent simply on the basis a hat, a sign or a slogan.