It’s always a question of whose ox is being gored

Democrats’ calls for ‘unity’ in transition ring hollow

Trump met crippling resistance after 2016 election


Starkly different tales of two presidential transitions have played out in Washington.

In 2016, Democrats, Obama administration officials and liberal media moved quickly to target President-elect Trump. Over 73 days, there were calls for impeachment, a resistance movement, attempts to infiltrate the Electoral College, false opposition research and FBI surveillance, a Washington Times examination shows.

Four years later, liberal Democrats and media are urging Republicans to rally around presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden and his “unity” message.

7 thoughts on “It’s always a question of whose ox is being gored”

  1. Those are minor points compared to the fact that Hillary Clinton refused to be a big girl and shrilly announced that the election was fraud. She did everything in her power to impede the transition. On top of that, Barack Obama told the public that that orange em effer had better not even try to enter the White House. The Attorney General guaranteed a smooth transition to a Clinton presidency in January 2017.

  2. Right now it is obviously the American people’s ox that is being gored by Trump and his followers. That is the only ox that we should really care about. These partisan oxen are BS.

    1. @ Robin, good point. That reminds me of the ox goring that occurred after the 2008 election. The Associated Press described it this way…

      ” From California to Maine, police have documented a range of alleged crimes, from vandalism and vague threats to at least one physical attack. Insults and taunts have been delivered by adults, college students and second-graders.

      There have been “hundreds” of incidents since the election, many more than usual, said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate crimes. Cross burnings. Schoolchildren chanting “Assassinate Obama.” Black figures hung from nooses. Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars. Incidents around the country referring to President-elect Barack Obama are dampening the postelection glow of racial progress and harmony, highlighting the stubborn racism that remains in America.”

      Seems the “mob” was still ox goring after the 2012 election…inclusive what some described as “rioting”.

  3. Words are interesting. Consider the use of the conjunction “and”. Put it in a sentence and all of a sudden you are indicting the Obama administration or the media or whomever.

    Did the Obama administration lead a resistance movement? Can’t remember any.

    Did the media? They reported on it. Is that leading it? IDK. Like, what did Jake Tapper do to lead the resistance movement? He’s media.

    Seems like throwing a whole bunch of shit on the wall and seeing what sticks. The RWNJs planning a coup right now are eating it up.

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