At first we were told not to wear masks. Then masks became a cause celebre. And now I hear that more and more scientists are saying they’re useless at best.
Same with lockdowns. We were told it was the only way, and aren’t those Swedes stupid? But now we’re hearing they cause more harm than help.
It’s plain as day that this has primarily been a political and not a scientific issue. That’s both good and to be expected. Public policy is a political matter. It should be informed by science, but scientists can’t set public policy. It’s not their area of expertise.
But “the science” has been shifting around a lot, and most of the media went all in on masks and lockdowns. Some alternative media went completely the other direction. Both sides claim to be “following the science.” Were they really?
More importantly, since this has become such an emotional, partisan issue, will people be able to change their minds if (when) the science changes?
“Following the science” requires you to hold things somewhat loosely, since “the science” adapts as we learn new facts. But many people have become so dogmatic about this stuff that it will be hard for them to change.