P&C drink and review “Death by King Cake” from Oscar Blues, then discuss whether Trump is the most dangerous president ever.
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Oliver Stone, Adam Schiff and other delusional luminaries love to claim that Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in history.
Their reasons? Withdrawing from the Paris accord and the Iran deal. Increasing the power of the presidency. Cheating on elections. And, of course, Russia, Russia, Russia, etc.
The real reason they’re mad at Trump is that he’s attacking the media and exposing them — and the left in general — for who they are.
P&C review the charges against Trump and comment.
Doesn’t assessing the danger of Trump amount to more than seeing how he stands up against so-called “liberal” criticisms? I think that it clearly does, but every time I try to put forward that assessment the discussion goes awry. Nor is it merely about him lacking a genteel quality. For me his extremely belligerent stance goes much deeper than that, but his supporters, even the more intelligent ones (of which there are few), are apparently too drunk on his liberal-bashing – effective for the time being – to see the danger.
Of course, and we address some of the accusations that he’s dangerous. None of them are very convincing.
Trump is brash, arrogant, thin-skinned, somewhat of a conspiracy theorist …. But he’s done a great service to the country by exposing the left and the media for who they really are. I think that outweighs his many faults.
In a way, he’s like Martin Luther. Luther had many faults. He was brash, foul-mouthed, an anti-Semite, etc. But he was the man who was needed at that time.
I think that the people who are convinced that he has exposed the “left” and the media are precisely the people who already had that conviction. He has had no effect in that regard. I think that what he has done is rather to show that the so-called “right” are devoid of any moral convictions. They take great delight when he kicks the other side in the teeth and anyone who protests immediately gets pigeonholed as one of them. Any short-term benefits, if they are really there, will be outweighed by the long-term enhanced hostility between these two sides. Any positive assessment of his effect is grotesquely delusional.
You and your discussion partner agree too much. You need someone disagrees with you to make things really interesting.
Hmm…that would be interesting to hear point-counterpoint and allowing the listener to draw conclusions based on the arguments presented.
*someone who disagrees
Yes, I remember there was a liberal friend of Crowhill who used to comment on this blog, but I forgot his name. Someone like him should join in. That being said, however, I still don’t think that the problem with Trump should be exclusively be considered in the framework of “conservative vs. liberal.” But he has been very effective in delivering that kool-aid in mass quantities.